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Osnovna škola "Vežica" Rijeka






Erasmus+ projekt "Mladi poduzetnici u akciji"

Young Entrepreneurs in Action - YEA

Erasmus+ Young Entrepreneurs in Action je dvogodišnji KA219 međunarodni projekt financiran sredstvima Europske komisije sa ciljem razvoja suradnje i razmjene primjera dobre prakse, razvoja inovativnosti i kreativnosti u obrazovanju. Projektni ciljevi i zadaci: razvoj financijske pismenosti, poduzetničkih vještina, razvoj digitalnih kompetencija, interkulturalnosti i cjeloživotnog učenja učenika, učitelja, lokalne i međunarodne zajednice.

Nositelj projekta je I. osnovna škola Čakovec, a partneri u projektu su: Osnovna škola Vežica, Rijeka, Hrvatska; Agrupamento de Escolas de Vale de Ovil, Baiao, Portugal; Istituto Comprensivo Carducci Paolillo, Cerignola, Italija; Akcansa Fatih Sultan Mehmet Ortaokolu, Istanbul, Turska i Masarykova základní škola a mateřská škola Velká Bystřice, Velká Bystřice, Češka.

Pozivamo vas da naše projektne aktivnosti pratite i na Facebook stranici projekta.


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Interactive Erasmus corner
Autor: Loredana Zima Krnelić, 22. 2. 2018.

The main idea of our interactive Erasmus corner is to share and show products and project activities done in the project with students, teachers and parents as well as to encourage other teachers to join the Erasmus programme with their own project ideas. Many teachers do different kinds of projects and activities in school and they should share them with other schools abroad and Erasmus is for sure an excellent opportunity to make that happen.  Our interactive Erasmus corner has been well accepted by students. Students have ideas about how to organize it. While creating it we had the need to include a digital tree in it.

The tree shows what ICT tools we used in our Erasmus + activities. We are an Apple Lighthouse School so most of our children use iPads for learning in class and at home. In each Erasmus activity we used many ICT tools. Each student drew a digital tree and at then we chose what is important to have in our school’s digital tree.  In this activity students learned about netiquette, different ICT tools for online collaboration and cooperation, copyright, creative commons, cloud storage, online documents, sharing documents with students and teachers and so on. This digital tree is important because while students use different ICT tools in Erasmus project activities they also have to be very careful and cautious about copyright, signal and battery charger, personal data, netiquette rules, passwords, protecting online documents and type of sharing them with other students, publishing, advanced research, downloading, writing emails, online shopping and so on. 

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