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Osnovna škola "Vežica" Rijeka






Erasmus+ projekt "Mladi poduzetnici u akciji"

Young Entrepreneurs in Action - YEA

Erasmus+ Young Entrepreneurs in Action je dvogodišnji KA219 međunarodni projekt financiran sredstvima Europske komisije sa ciljem razvoja suradnje i razmjene primjera dobre prakse, razvoja inovativnosti i kreativnosti u obrazovanju. Projektni ciljevi i zadaci: razvoj financijske pismenosti, poduzetničkih vještina, razvoj digitalnih kompetencija, interkulturalnosti i cjeloživotnog učenja učenika, učitelja, lokalne i međunarodne zajednice.

Nositelj projekta je I. osnovna škola Čakovec, a partneri u projektu su: Osnovna škola Vežica, Rijeka, Hrvatska; Agrupamento de Escolas de Vale de Ovil, Baiao, Portugal; Istituto Comprensivo Carducci Paolillo, Cerignola, Italija; Akcansa Fatih Sultan Mehmet Ortaokolu, Istanbul, Turska i Masarykova základní škola a mateřská škola Velká Bystřice, Velká Bystřice, Češka.

Pozivamo vas da naše projektne aktivnosti pratite i na Facebook stranici projekta.


Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Successful teamwork
Autor: Loredana Zima Krnelić, 16. 9. 2019.

In Erasmus + project activities students work in teams. While working in teams students realized that it is not so easy to be a good team member. To help our students be more successful in teamwork we had some workshops. We wrote positive and inspiring messages about friendship to become better friends. Students complimented each other, played games which helped them became more self – confidence and trust each other, helped each other with homework, learn and encouraged others to work on themselves because nobody is perfect. We also had workshops about supporting and assisting each other to help us be better people. While working in teams our students became conscious of their strengths as well as of their weaknesses. They did some research about team roles and found out that it is good to have all these strengths and weaknesses because they make us different and unique. They also realized that when working in a team they have to respect all the differences and use them in the best possible way. After students had learned about team roles they could be more effective team workers. Their communication improved and they were more motivated for the team assignments. The workshops helped our students develop important skills like trust, support, self–confidence, communication, exchange, assistance, inspiration and sharing. Thanks to the workshops the group become more coherent. Instead of competing with each other, they comped as a team. Teamwork and sharing knowledge is something we have to learn and practice and these activities helped everyone become a better team worker.

Loredana Zima Krnelić, prof.

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